I received this red sweater as a Christmas gift from my mother some years ago. My mother often bought clothes for me and my spouse for birthdays and Christmas.
This red sweater has a textured design, a collar, and a zipper at the neck.
(Don't you love the glasses hanging at the neck?! lol)
At first I didn't like the sweater. It wasn't my style. After much thought I called my mother and asked if she would mind terribly if I returned it for something a little more suited to my taste. <yes, I actually asked that>
I will always remember the sound of disappointment in my mother's voice. She said it was okay, but I could hear that she was hoping that I would enjoy this gift given with great love. She had chosen it with ME in mind and had truly thought I would enjoy it.
Feeling guilty, I never did exchange it. I decided to wear it because it WAS a gift of love.
It is now my favorite sweater. It is comfortable and roomy. It is forgiving and wrinkle-free. It is warm and cozy. And it looks good!
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